Exceptional Women: Andrea Martin

This week, in exceptional women, we talked to Andrea Martin, Chemical Engineer.

Question: Where are you from?

Answer: I’m originally from Peru and moved to the U.S. as a teenager 

Q: What school did you attend?

A: I did my undergrad at Texas Tech University for Chemical Engineering. I also have an MBA from University of Oklahoma 

Q: Can you give us a quick rundown of your career?

A: I started my career as a Wireline engineer in Mexico for an oilfield service company. I ran several types of logs and worked with radioactive sources and explosives. After 4 years, I came back to the United States and transitioned to a Production Engineer role. 


For the last two years, I’ve led my own team of engineers across multiple states. I run an area that makes over $4 million per day and the success of our operation comes down to trust and being able to have difficult conversations. 


Q: How and when did you found out that (STEM) was your career to follow?

A: I wanted to be an engineer since a young age. I knew it would be challenging but that made it much more appealing. I do believe that shows like the Magic School Bus started my love for science. 

Q: What aspect of your job is the most challenging?

A: I’m one of a few women that lead operational teams. I think being in a leadership role in a male dominated field is challenging but also very rewarding. 

Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of your career?

A: The most rewarding aspect is seeing my team thrive. I get a lot of gratitude from knowing I can create a venue for them to not only be successful but push past their comfort zone. 


Q: What can you say is the key to your success?

A: The key to success is knowing you can make an impact at any point in your career, regardless of age. But staying humble along the process because there is always more to learn. 

Q: What advice would you give young women who are considering pursuing a STEM career?

A: STEM is a beautiful career path that helps you break past many boundaries. It creates a solid foundation for your future and you will always be learning. 

Q: If you could tell your 15-year-old-self anything, what would it be?

A: To stop living in the future. Enjoy your teenage years and know that nobody can take away your worth. You are incredible, you are worthy and you are perfect the way you are.