Meet the Founders

Ivonne Martinez-Howard

  • BS in Manufacturing Engineering
  • Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified
  • Work experience ranges from Continuous Improvement Engineer, Project Management, Process Engineer and Quality Engineering

I am a very curious person; I love to know how things work and how they are made. My passion for innovation and for fixing things combine with my love for math and hands-on personality lead me to Manufacturing Engineering. I love what I do, and the challenges and opportunities engineering has given me. But, that was not the case when I was a young girl. I found out engineering was the career for me until my college orientation day.

Growing up I was always told to be an accountant or a financial consultant because I was good with Math. During my college orientation, I stop by an engineering booth where they show all the projects they do. They explain to me what engineering was and at that moment, I realized I was meant to be an engineer.

Growing up engineering was never an option for me; no one told me that a woman could be an engineer too. This is why I am so passionate to promote engineering and STEM careers to young girls. Engineering changed my life for the best, I loved every single class I took in college and now every day I get to do what I love. Engineering is such a rewarding career and I would love to see more women excel in it.

Monica Carranco

  • B.A. in Mass Communication and Certification in E-commerce 
  • Experienced in Digital Marketing for National Brands

My passion for STEM and the opportunities it brings to women didn't show up until recently. I am a statistic, I never believed STEM was for me. I love marketing and being creative in my job, however, I never realized people in STEM could be creative. I was never exposed to science or math, and I just believed I was "bad" at numbers. With this project, my personal goal is to teach young women that you can be in STEM and be creative. It is not an either-or situation. Additionally, I would like to bring women who are already pursuing a career in STEM together and create a supportive community where they feel welcome and inspired. 
